Yes, We usually not providing images or drawing for your song, all materials for video are all provided by you (you can use your album art or buy it to someone else). Our job is only to process the images you provide into animated lyric video or visualizer.

If you want to use image material that has been downloaded from the internet, we are not responsible if someone claims copyright.

In case you don’t have any graphics artwork, we can use a default background from our library stock at no extra cost. or maybe use 3D logo or environtment with extra cost

The first one is of course your song, logo in .png file, your cover artwork in .psd (make sure your image is in high resolution), your song information like logo streams, taken from album name, your band name, your song title etc.

Yes, we can work with the best artist to make your ideas reality with extra cost

Absolutely not, we support all languages.

Absolutely, contact us for more detail

Feel free to contact us for any general enquiries or a free quote: